Exegetical Reading Machine (2015)
This conversation piece is inspired by John White's “Newspaper Reading Machine” in which musicians read through a newspaper article 8 times, each of which alters to the musicality of the words uttered. In a similar structure "Exegetical Reading Machine" creates an iterative reading of a theoretical text which then alters aesthetically and pedagogically as the cycle of iterations moves onward. This piece was composed in collaboration with Sandeep Bhagwati.
This conversation piece is inspired by John White's “Newspaper Reading Machine” in which musicians read through a newspaper article 8 times, each of which alters to the musicality of the words uttered. In a similar structure "Exegetical Reading Machine" creates an iterative reading of a theoretical text which then alters aesthetically and pedagogically as the cycle of iterations moves onward. This piece was composed in collaboration with Sandeep Bhagwati.